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本研究是由世界积极和跨文化心理治疗协会 (WAPP)组织的一项跨文化研究,旨在探明积极心理治疗结构与心理健康之间的关系。
对该研究有任何疑问请联系:阿里·埃耶尔马兹教授(Ali Eryilmaz);副教授图巴·沙里(Tugba Sarı)erali76@hotmail.com或世界积极和跨文化心理治疗协会总部assistant@positum.org

Question Title

* 1. 您的国籍是?-What is your nationality?*

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* 2. 您目前居住在哪个国家?-Which country do you live in?*

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* 3. 您在该国居住了多长时间?How long have you been living in this country? *

Question Title

* 4. "我确认我是自愿参与本研究的"- "I confirm that I am participating voluntarily in this study"

Question Title

* 5. 性别-Gender

Question Title

* 6. 年龄-Age

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* 7. 如果您现在是学生,请填写所学专业-If you are a student, please specify the department you are studying in

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* 8. 您目前的职业是?-What is your present profession?

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* 9. 您是否接受过积极心理治疗的训练?-Did you ever have a training on Positive Psychotherapy?

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* 10. 您是否有慢性疾病?-Do you have any chronic physical illness?

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* 11. 您是否有精神障碍?(已确诊)-Do you have any mental disorder? (Diagnosed)

Question Title

* 12. 您对现在的生活是否满意?-Are you satisfied with your life?


1 = 完全不同意
2 = 不同意多于同意
3 = 同意多于不同意
4 = 完全同意

Question Title

* 13. 1.      我已阅读以上说明,并准备坦白地回答所有问题-I have read the instructions and I am ready to answer all questions openly*

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* 14. 2. 当我感到愤怒或激动时,我全身都有感觉 - I fell it in my whole body, when I am angry or excited

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* 15. 3. 当我总是把工作场所/办公室/家整理得很有条理-I  leave my working place/office/household always orderly

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* 16. 4.  在我小时候,我体验到我的父母有很多社会交往-In my childhood I experienced my parents having many social contacts

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* 17. 5.   当我遇到困难时,我会不由自主地想到所有可能发生的后果-When I’m in trouble, I can not stop thinking of all that possibly could follow

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* 18. 6.   为人处世可靠在职业和社会中都极其重要-Reliability is extraordinary important in profession and society

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* 19. 7.  当我做决定时,无论发生什么事,我都会坚持我的决定-When I made a decision, I keep to it in any case, despite of all that could come up

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* 20. 8. 当我的家人花钱太多时,我会很容易生气-When my relatives spend too much money, easily I feel irritated

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* 21. 9.   坦白诚实比尊重他人更为重要-Openness and honesty are more important than too much respectfulness for others

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* 22. 10.  在看起来绝望的处境中,总会有一条路的-In a hopeless looking situation there is always a way out

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* 23. 11.   当我的父母有矛盾时,他们总是试着找一个共同的解决办法-When my parents had a conflict, they always tried to find a common solution

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* 24. 12. 成绩对我来说最重要,尤其是当我遇到问题的时候-Performance for me is the most important, especially when I have problems

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* 25. 13.  我更喜欢与行为良好的人交往-I prefer people with good behaviour

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* 26. 14. 只有我每天都洗澡的时候,我才感觉舒服和干净-I feel only well and clean, when I can wash my body entirely every day

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* 27. 15.  即使有事激怒我的时候,我也总是能保持耐心-I can always be patient, even if something irritates me

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* 28. 16.  我会遵守上级的指示或采纳权威人士的建议I follow orders of a boss or an advise of a person with authority

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* 29. 17. 我非常喜欢自己表现得很温和-I like very much to be very tender

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* 30. 18.  一般在与别人交往时我能够信任他们-Usually I trust other persons when coming into contact with them

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* 31. 19. 在我童年时期,父亲对我非常有耐心-My father was very patient with me when I had been a child

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* 32. 20.   当我遇到困难时,我总是试图与人分享-When I’m in trouble, I try always to contact others

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* 33. 21.  我通常会花时间和别人见面-I will always take my time to meet with others

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* 34. 22.  和别人分享关于生命和死亡的问题非常重要-To share my questions about life and death with others is very important

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* 35. 23.  即使别人使我厌烦,我也能保持耐心-I stay patient with others even if somebody bothers me*

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* 36. 24. 我相信我和我的家庭会有一个美好的未来-I believe in a good future for me and my family

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* 37. 25.  即使有足够的钱我也不愿意花-Even having enough money I don’t like to spend it

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* 38. 26.  我的父母曾和我们探讨过人生的哲学与信仰-My parents talked with us about questions of life philosophy or faith

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* 39. 27. 在任何情况下,都应该公正公开地对待别人-Under all circumstances you should treat others with justice and fairness 

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* 40. 28.  我总是能相信自己-I can always trust myself

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* 41. 29.  懒惰总是带来不好的后果-Being lazy causes often bad consequences

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* 42. 30. 用拥有好的关系比拥有财富更重要-Having good relations is much more important than having money

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* 43. 31. 我能够接纳现实的自己-I can accept myself like I am

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* 44. 32. 我父母的关系是爱的关系-The partnership of my parents was a partnership of love

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* 45. 33. 当我遇到困难时,我会白天黑夜不停地想-When I am in trouble, I’m very much thinking about it all day and night  

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* 46. 34. 在我童年时期,母亲对我非常有耐心-My mother had been very patient with me as a child

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* 47. 35. 我期望我的配偶对我永远忠诚-I expect my partner to be always faithful and loyal to me

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* 48. 36. 我非常关注我生命/生活的意义- The meaning of my life concerns me much

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* 49. 37.  如果不能保持准时,那么你就无法掌管自己的生活-You will never manage your life without punctuality

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* 50. 38. 有耐心你就会拥有一切-With patience you will reach everything

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* 51. 39.我的父母对别人既宽容又坦白- My parents had been very tolerant and open with others

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* 52. 40. 当所有事都一团糟时,我就会陷入疯狂-I could go mad when everything is in a mess

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* 53. 41. 考虑别人的意见总是很重要的-It is always important to regard the opinion of others

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* 54. 42.  一个不能让人绝对信赖的人,永远不会成为我的朋友-A person on which you cannot rely absolutely, never can become my friend 

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* 55. 43. 我感觉我的父母能公正地相互对待-I have the feeling that my parents treated one another always with justice 

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* 56. 44.  我喜欢人们能够直接开放地说出他们心中的想法-I like people telling very directly and openly what they think

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* 57. 45.  我认为自己是重视工作和成就的人-I see myself as very much work and achievement orientated

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* 58. 46.  孩子应该总是服从和关注父母的话-Children should always obey and care about what their parents say

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* 59. 47.   我有一个生活信条:所有事情都需要时间-For me there is a life moto: Everything needs time

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* 60.  48.   我宁可早到十分钟也不愿迟到五分钟-I prefer to be ten minutes earlier than five minutes too late

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* 61. 49.   小时候,父亲是我重要的偶像/榜样-My father had been an important model/example for me in my childhood 

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* 62. 50.   每当我感到激动或愤怒时,我会感到全身发紧或其它身体上的不舒服-Every time I am excited or angry I feel tension or body complaints

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* 63. 51.   当我在工作上或者家里遇到困难时,我需要别人的帮助-When I have difficulties in my job or at home I need the help of others

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* 64. 52.   当我遇到问题时,我会选择更努力地工作-When I have problems I prefer to work harder

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* 65.  53.   忠诚对于一个好人来说是必不可少的品质-Faithfulness is indispensible for a good human character

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* 66. 54.  我的生活哲学或信仰给予了我重要的生活指导-My life philosophy or faith is very important to give ways to my life

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* 67. 55.   我父母的人生哲学或信仰给予了他们强有力的支持-My parents life philosophy or faith was a strong basis for them

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* 68. 56.   只有当家里人都保持整洁时,我才感觉舒服-I only feel well, when everybody in my home keeps it tidily clean

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* 69. 57.   当有人迟到时我会感到很生气-It makes me angry when people are late

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* 70. 58.  当我遇到困难时,我常常会想到生命的意义- When I’m in trouble I think very much about the meaning of life

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* 71. 59. 对夫妻关系来说,温柔和性都是必要的条件-Tenderness and sexuality are necessary conditions for a partnership

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* 72. 60.   我期望在家庭和工作中都要有纪律-I expect discipline in family or profession

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* 73. 61.   当别人和我意见不同时,我也能感觉良好-I can also feel well with a person having opinions that differ from mine

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* 74. 62.   我常常请客-I often have guests

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* 75. 63.   对于集体生活来说,信任是必备的前提条件-Trustfulness is a necessary precondition for community life

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* 76. 64.    我小时候母亲会花很多时间陪我-My mother had much time for me when I had been little

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* 77. 65.   当有人表现得不公正时,我会非常敏感-I am very sensitive when somebody is not fair

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* 78. 66. 富裕的最佳基础就是节约-The best basis for to be rich is to be saving

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* 79. 67.  清洁的人能够显示清洁的人品-Cleanliness of a person shows a clean character

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* 80. 68.  我总是能够信守诺言-I always keep to what I promised

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* 81. 69. 我总是能计划好自己的生活-I always have plans for my life

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* 82. 70.  对我来说,说“是”比说“不”更容易-For me it is easier to say “yes” than to say „no“

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* 83. 71.  当我工作的时候,我能忘掉自己的问题-When I’m working I can forget about my problems

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* 84. 72.  家应该总是井井有条的-A home should always look orderly*72.  家应该总是井井有条的-A home should always look orderly

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* 85. 73.  除了工作之外,我还有足够的时间花在自己的兴趣爱好上-Despite of my work I have enough time for my interests and hobbies

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* 86. 74.  我的父母有很多朋友和客人-My parents had many guests and friends

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* 87. 75.   在我小时候,父亲花很多时间陪我-My father took time for me when I had been little

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* 88. 76.  每个人身上都有优点-In every person there is something good

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* 89. 77.  我的身体状况常常让我觉得我应该吃药调理-Often I feel my body in a way that I would like to take medicaments

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* 90. 78.  我很容易就能交到朋友-I easily can make friends

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* 91. 79. 我的父母对生命的意义很感兴趣-My parents had been very interested in the meaning of life

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* 92. 80.  当有人懒惰时,我会感觉不舒服-I do not feel well when somebody is lazy

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* 93. 81. 只有当我了解了一个人行为的所有背后原因时,我才会做出判断-I judge somebody only when I finally know all reasons for her/his behaviour

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* 94. 82.  当我遇到私人或工作上的问题时,我需要和别人在一起以忘记这些烦恼-When I have private or professional problems I need other people around to forget about the problems

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* 95. 83.  和我爱的伴侣在一起的时候,我想尽快开始亲热-With the partner whom I love I want to be intimate soon

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* 96. 84.  我的母亲曾经是我的偶像/榜样-My mother had been a model/example for me

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* 97. 85.  我能够坦白地讲出我的意见和想法-I prefer to say very openly my opinion

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* 98. 86.   小时候有个人与我在一起的时间比父母还要久-As a child I had been often with a person who had more time for me than father and mother

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* 99. 87.  小时候有个人比我父母对我还要有耐心-There was a person in my childhood, which had more patience with me than father or mother