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The SurveyMonkey Technology Ecosystem Program (STEP)

Helping our partners scale and support our customers better together.

The SurveyMonkey Technology Ecosystem Program (STEP) is a partner program designed to deepen our relationship with our community and create tangible go-to-market benefits for everyone involved. With STEP, we make it easier for our partners to build, launch, amplify, innovate, and scale together with SurveyMonkey. 

Our platform integrates with leading technology companies to power the feedback programs of over +335,000 organizations and +17,000,000 active users across industry verticals and market segments. Our job is to keep that audience educated, empowered, and engaged—and STEP partners help us do that. Whether it’s building on our platform or collaborating on go-to-market strategies, we know that partnerships help us grow and serve our customers more effectively.

Salesforce logo
Microsoft logo
Google logo
Oracle logo
Zendesk logo
Gainsight logo
Constant contact logo
Mailchimp logo
HubSpot logo
Freshworks logo
Workplace image

Get everything you need to know in order to successfully build with SurveyMonkey, including API documentation and support resources. Bring the power of survey feedback to your own community or the power of your product to ours.


Access a variety of program benefits including increased brand awareness, co-marketing opportunities, and potential user growth—in addition to being featured in our app directory. Check out some of our previous collaborative partner content here.

  • How do I apply to STEP?
  • Is there a cost to join STEP?
  • Do we need to build an integration before applying to the program?
  • What happens if our organization does not qualify for the program?
  • Does our organization have to be accepted into STEP in order to be listed in SurveyMonkey’s App Directory?