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Получите отзывы, которые помогут повысить эффективность работы.

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Reach anyone, anywhere

Choose a collection mode that works for you—and your audience.

Global users

Improve data quality and survey response

Want better quality data? Start with survey data collection solutions that help you gather data the way your audience will respond to best. We offer a variety of ways to collect data so you can capture your audience’s feedback on every channel.

SMS Surveys

No email? No worries! Reach people on their phones and gather data in the moment, by sending people a mobile survey via text.

SurveyMonkey Enterprise only

SurveyMonkey Anywhere

Turn any mobile device into a survey station—even if there’s no Internet. Collect feedback offline no matter where you are.

SurveyMonkey Enterprise only

QR Code

Reach a broader audience with QR Codes, an easy, frictionless way to get people to tap into your survey by zapping a code from a billboard, a big screen, or at point-of-sale.

Available on all plans

New ways to increase survey response rates

Mobile survey example

Take your survey to where the people are by offering multiple ways to respond—on mobile, the web, or even offline. Reach people on their devices, even if you don’t have their email addresses. Use QR codes at events, on packaging, or even receipts.

Make it easy for people to respond by offering mobile-optimized surveys that can have higher open rates than traditional methods. Make it more convenient to take your surveys by giving people a frictionless way to respond.

Get real-time feedback by capturing data in the moment. Follow up with surveys after time-sensitive events and interactions, to capture sentiment while the experience is fresh.

Collect feedback from people around the world

Can’t reach the people you want to talk to? Tap into a fast, easy, affordable DIY market research panel with SurveyMonkey Audience. Target the right respondents from our 50 million panelists around the world, and get results in minutes.


Choose your target market and send a survey for real-time results.


Tap into our cost-effective survey panel and analyze results anytime, anywhere.


Reach millions of qualified people around the world, profiled by demographic.

More popular modes of data collection

Use a pre-built template or create a custom email to send surveys to customers, employees, or a known population. Automatically track opens and responds.

Connect with the masses by creating a post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or that links directly to your survey. Reach a targeted set of people at scale, and easily collect responses.

Get started with the easiest, most flexible collection method. Create a custom URL that can be easily shared anywhere—on a web page, in a PDF, or in a post.

Woman with red hair creating a survey on laptop

Воспользуйтесь нашими инструментами, разработанными, чтобы максимально использовать возможности обратной связи в вашей индустрии.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Изучите более 400 редактируемых шаблонов опросов, составленных экспертами. Быстро создавайте и проводите вовлекающие опросы с помощью SurveyMonkey.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Задавайте правильные вопросы, чтобы сократить утечку кадров. Начните создавать формы уже сегодня с помощью нашего конструктора и шаблонов форм.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Получите согласие с помощью формы. Зарегистрируйте бесплатную учетную запись уже сегодня, чтобы начать создавать формы на базе наших шаблонов.