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Improve customer satisfaction by measuring employee engagement

When your employees are happy, your customers will be, too

If your employees aren’t engaged with their jobs, they probably aren’t representing your organization well. Numerous studies have shown that a dissatisfied employee is unlikely to provide good customer service or to pass vital customer feedback up the chain.

For example, a Gallup poll found that 70 percent of American workers are either not engaged or actively disengaged. But diagnosing engagement problems can be as difficult as curing them. Disengagement is a complex issue that can stem from many sources like unclear (or unpromising) career paths, poor managerial relationships, or an unpleasant work environment. What can you do to identify problems and provide employees with the motivation they need to offer good customer service?

The best way to find out what employees think of their jobs and your organization is simply to ask them. You can do this with informal interviews or company-wide surveys—there’s no right or wrong. But in order to improve this critical customer touchpoint, you need to ask the right questions.

Here are some tips for understanding employees’ level of engagement:

  • Ask employees to assess their own level of engagement
  • Ask employees to share their perceptions of their co-workers’ behavior—peers, subordinates and managers
  • Learn whether they feel like they’re fairly compensated, and if they get the benefits they need
  • Look into work-life balance to see what kind of external pressures exist and how best to accommodate them
  • Allow employees to respond anonymously so they can give honest feedback
  • Make it a regular exercise to measure engagement so issues can be identified and addressed
  • Set benchmarks and compare employees’ engagement over time

Once you know what’s working for your employees and what’s not, you can focus in on the things that make a big difference. This focus can help you get results right away. Because you’ll be able to create the right incentives, see where there’s friction between management and the rank and file, and ultimately have a more thoughtful approach to building a great team.

These sorts of improvements can pay big dividends when better products and services make their way to customers. Improved satisfaction and loyalty are likely to follow. When employees and customers are happy, it’s the ultimate win-win.

Fire up your workforce with an automated, high-cadence engagement program rooted in social science.

If you want to create an employee engagement surveys, we’ve got a few tools that can help. Our survey experts partnered with the Society of Human Resource Management Foundation (SHRMF) to write a series of employee engagement survey templates. You can use them as-is, or customize them to meet your organization’s needs. See sample questionnaires here:

For other ways to improve customer satisfaction, check out our free eGuide: 6 Keys to Satisfaction, Loyalty & Love.

Lächelnder Mitarbeiter in der Personalabteilung hält ein Blatt Papier in der Hand und nimmt einen Videoanruf auf seinem Laptop entgegen

Инструменты, которые помогут специалистам отдела кадров создать первоклассные условия работы в организации.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sehen sich einen Artikel auf ihrem Laptop an und schreiben dabei Informationen auf Notizzettel

Узнайте, как woom использует платформу SurveyMonkey для запуска многоязычных опросов в масштабе, улучшения условий труда и сбора отзывов клиентов.

Lachender Mann mit Brille vor einem Laptop

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Frau sieht sich Informationen auf ihrem Laptop an

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