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Use advanced analytics to quickly prioritize and validate which products, messages, ad creative, and more will succeed with your target audience.

Three drink container types (soda can, tall bottle, short bottle) with a screenshot of the Idea Screening product behind it, showing that the tall bottle has 77% overall appeal versus the soda can at 67% and short bottle at 55%

Screening ideas early means wasting less time and resources to develop concepts that won’t perform well in-market.

Test early stage products

Simply upload your ideas and use our guided setup and get feedback from your target audience on-demand.

Advanced analytics and AI powered insights

Save time on data analysis by using automation and AI to identify where ideas scored well, or poorly, and uncover insights you may have missed.

Cycle graph with the following steps: ideate, develop, launch, measure, and optimize

Build successful products faster with early-stage testing and eliminate bad ideas early in development

Develop packaging, ad creative, and more that resonate with your target audience

Test ideas, design, and other concepts with niche audiences

Photo of Jerry Lin and Helix Sleep logo

“We’ve been able to cut our product development cycle in half.”

Jerry Lin, Co-founder and COO, Helix Sleep


Eliminate days of manual data crunching with our automated analysis capabilities:

Scorecards with stat testing compile results for all ideas into one visual.
AI-Powered Insights instantly surface where ideas scored best, or worst.
PowerPoint exports make sharing findings easy.

Screenshot of Idea Screening product showing different drink container types and their percentage for certain tests, such as Overall appeal and Meets your needs
Photo of Casey Roberts and Sakura logo

We have finite resources, and we have to figure out what is best to develop. It's really helpful for us when we can say no to something.”

Casey Roberts, Sr Marketing Manager, Innovation, Sakura

Screenshot of Idea Screening that shows suggested questions for testing attributes, such as: What's the first word that comes to your mind when you look at the design?


Take the guesswork out of research design with the industry-proven sequential monadic methodology built right into our solution.

  • Industry best practices are built-in to minimize survey fatigue and respondent bias.
  • Select from our list of included metrics, and add in custom questions most relevant to you.
  • Test any type of stimuli, from text to image and video.


Stop getting biased feedback. Reach consumers and professionals all over the world with representative panels.

  • Access 175M+ people in over 130 countries
  • Choose from 200+ targeting criteria or use custom screening.
  • Response quality detection ensures accurate data.
Screenshot of Idea Screening that asks the user to select your target audience with the ability to select segments such as Country, Gender, Age, and Household Income
Photo of Brian Sherry and ClickUp logo

“Coming from a creative background, SurveyMonkey was able to provide somebody who's not an expert in testing with tangible takeaways that made us feel confident in the data and findings.”

Brian Sherry, Creative Operations Lead, ClickUp

Product Concept Analysis

Test product ideas and compare against industry benchmarks.

Ad Creative Analysis

Test your marketing and advertising campaigns before you launch.

Messaging & Claims Analysis

Get feedback on messages, taglines, product copy, and more.